Why Do IT Departments Report To The CFO
Why Do IT Departments Report To The CFO
Organizational structure is something that is hotly debated at businesses around the world, but one of the biggest mysteries is where it makes sense to have the technology teams. IT has both a strategic thread as well as a day-to-day operational focus, making it a solid fit for the office of the CEO or the […]
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The CEO’s Guide To A Strong Relationship With Your IT Consultant
The CEO’s Guide To A Strong Relationship With Your IT Consultant
IT consultants provide valuable insights to businesses looking for guidance on technologies that lead to better business outcomes. Having a strong relationship with your IT consultant leads to more productive collaboration and discussions that are more fruitful. It begins with making the right choice to be your IT partner and requires commitment, communication and trust […]
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What CEOs Need to Know About Cybersecurity in 2019
What CEOs Need to Know About Cybersecurity in 2019
Understanding the threat landscape is a crucial part of a CEOs job as you attempt to protect your organization now and in the future. The cybersecurity and compliance landscape is changing rapidly, and it can be difficult to keep up with the various challenges your business is facing — from ransomware to phishing schemes, not […]
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8 Ways Cybercriminals Make Your Firewall And Antivirus Useless
8 Ways Cybercriminals Make Your Firewall And Antivirus Useless
Having the right cybersecurity technology is just a part of doing business in today’s world. In fact, security solutions like firewalls and antivirus software accounted for $23 billion in annual revenue – it’s likely that you contributed to that in some small way. But are they really worth your money? There’s no disputing the need […]
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The Top Online Productivity Apps
The Top Online Productivity Apps
Productivity is huge, but it’s elusive in our digital, always-on, social world. Productivity apps can help you focus better. We live in a serially distracted world. The internet is everywhere—and this is great, really! It allows many of us to work from anywhere we want. Entire industries have sprung to life thanks to the ubiquity […]
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How Technology Can Assist CFOs and Their Expanding Job Functions
How Technology Can Assist CFOs and Their Expanding Job Functions
CFOs & Technology The CFO role continues to evolve. CFOs used to be considered fairly powerless scorekeepers or merely chief bean counters, but today the role has taken on more responsibility as well as prominence. Of course, any CFO will tell you that the old role is not unimportant, and it has not gone away. […]
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