New Whaling Schemes: CEO Fraud Continues to Grow
New Whaling Schemes: CEO Fraud Continues to Grow
In previous years, the first clue that your corporate email has been compromised would be a poorly-spelled and grammatically incorrect email message asking you to send thousands of dollars overseas. While annoying, it was pretty easy to train staff members to see these as fraud and report the emails. Today’s cybercriminals are much more tech-savvy […]
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Reduce Travel Costs & Expenses With Video Calling Apps
Reduce Travel Costs & Expenses With Video Calling Apps
Endless airline terminals. Overpriced airport food. Overly-close seating on packed planes. What’s there to love about business travel? Sure, there are some road warriors who appreciate never having to clean a room or make a bed as they spend all their time in hotels, but for most people, business travel is simply something to be […]
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Cloud Computing For Lawyers (2019 Introductory Guide)
Cloud Computing For Lawyers (2019 Introductory Guide)
Attorneys have unique needs for the storage of information while needing to access data on clients and cases from remote locations. That’s why cloud computing has become such a popular option for lawyers. However, the value of cloud computing needs to be tempered with concerns about security and privacy. Below is your 2019 introductory guide to cloud computing for […]
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Staying Safe Online: Are You the Target of a Fake Check Scam?
Staying Safe Online: Are You the Target of a Fake Check Scam?
Great news! You’ve posted a batch of pricey items from your business on Craigslist, and someone has offered to purchase the lot. However, when you receive the check you realize it’s not for precisely the right amount. Perhaps you contact the seller to get a revised check — and they are so accommodating that they […]
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Windows Server 2008 End of Support (Questions and Answers)
Windows Server 2008 End of Support (Questions and Answers)
Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end — and on January 14, 2020, Microsoft will be stopping mainstream service for their highly popular Windows 2008 Server. If you are one of the millions of organizations who are still using this secure and highly stable solution, it may be time to look for other […]
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Happy St. Patrick’s Day This Sunday
Happy St. Patrick’s Day This Sunday
March 17th is one of our favorite days of the year – St. Patrick’s Day. For some, it’s a day to celebrate centuries of rich culture and Irish heritage, and for others, an opportunity to have a pint or two with friends.   However you’ll be spending this St. Paddy’s, our team hopes you have […]
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