Spring Forward This Sunday
Spring Forward This Sunday
Daylight Saving Time for 2019 starts on Sunday, March 10th. I’m sure you know how Daylight Saving Time (DST) works, but did you know not everyone in the US observes this time change? Arizona hasn’t observed DST since 1967, and Hawaii has never used DST. Michigan skipped DST from 1969 – 1973, while Florida is […]
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4 Questions Every CEO Needs To Ask About Cybersecurity
4 Questions Every CEO Needs To Ask About Cybersecurity
With the ever-increasing rate of digital interconnectedness and accessibility, IT systems are more at risk of attack by hackers and spies than ever before. Yet, many companies still haven’t seriously addressed the issue of cybersecurity in their organizations. If you have concerns about the preparedness of your business, now is the time to start taking steps to protect your data. A […]
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Learn the Power of Google Reviews for Local Construction Companies
Learn the Power of Google Reviews for Local Construction Companies
Reviews, testimonials and referrals are important to growing a contracting business. In fact, reviews are the backbone upon which a business can establish a working relationship with their local community. In today’s world, people can come to know you, like you and trust you (or not) via the reviews they read about your business. This […]
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Is Ransomware A Threat to My Business?
Is Ransomware A Threat to My Business?
What is ransomware? Ransomware is an unusual type of threat because it holds your files for ransom while leaving your systems essentially otherwise operational. A piece of malicious software enters your network and applies an encryption algorithm to your computer files, rendering them unavailable. The files are still there, and you can see them in a file […]
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How Construction Companies Can Benefit From Managed IT Services
How Construction Companies Can Benefit From Managed IT Services
Construction companies have specific IT requirements. Time is money in any business, but that’s especially true in the construction industry. You need excellent communication and coordination between management and workers and the ability to oversee contractors and order materials quickly. For that, you need top construction planning software and your company needs a comprehensive IT […]
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